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Junior Board

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The Junior Board (JB) is a youth service opportunity developed to promote the function and growth of Noggin Educational Foundation. The experience is designed to help youth ages 13-17 develop leadership and professional skills, network and make connections, and enhance their resumes through service and volunteerism. Members engage in vital work that supports the mission of NEF and help spread awareness to key stakeholders (schools, parents, volunteers, donors, and community partners).

Membership benefits include:

  • Exciting Opportunities

    • Mentoring by business professionals

    • Earn community service hours

    • Learn professional etiquette

    • Learn about nonprofit executive board membership 

    • Attend a NEF Executive Board meeting

    • Receive public recognition of membership

    • Potential for letters of recommendation

    • Collaborate with the CEO and Executive Board of Directors

    • Present the Junior Board opportunity to key community stakeholders

  • Development of important professional skills

    • Administrative​

    • Time management and organization

    • Networking

    • Critical thinking

    • Fundraising

    • Communication

    • Public speaking

    • Teamwork

  • Development of critical leadership traits:​

    • Grit

    • A Growth Mindset

    • Problem-solving

    • Strategic thinking

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