ASPIRE: Academic and Career Mentoring

Our academic and career mentors motivate and serve as a resource to their students. Mentors work one-on-one to help 9th-12th grade students:
Discover vocation, purpose, aptitudes and gifts
Choose appropriate courses for specific career paths
Navigate the logistics of taking college entrance exams
Research postsecondary institutions
Apply to colleges, universities or trade schools
Research financial aid options
Successfully transition into chosen institutions
Am I eligible?
Mentors have received a degree from a college, university or trade school.
Mentors are graduate students or current or retired professionals from a variety of academic and career fields.
Do I know enough?
Mentors share their personal knowledge, experiences and wisdom. Noggin provides mentors with resources and information to help guide their students each step of the way.
Can I commit?
Each mentor has a face-to-face meeting with their student for 1 hour every other month (Mentors meet with their students monthly during their senior year.).
Each mentor makes themselves available by phone, email, text, video chat, etc. to answer questions from their student.
Mentors contact their student by phone at least once between meetings to answer questions and check progress.
Mentor and student volunteer together 2 times a year with the organization of their choice.
Mentors are asked to commit to at least 1 year with their student.